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Abstract from the full publication Osório, A. J., Gomes, M. J., Ramos, A., & Valente, A. L. (Eds.). (2021). Challenges 2021, desafios do digital: Livro de atas (1.ª ed.). Universidade do Minho. Centro de Competência. (813-818)


The process of regulation of learning is complex and a challenge to all schools/teachers. Involved in processes of innovation, autonomy, curricular flexibility, student tracking and evaluation of the skills learnt by the students becomes more urgent. Centred in the study of the reality lived in the Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva (AEFCPS), that since 2013 lives an active process of innovation, the constant evaluation of alterations at curriculum level in distinct formsin both methodologies of use and regulation of learning, created the need for an instrument for mapping key skills acquired by the students. To track the development of these skills we felt the need to create an instrument that regulates and tracks learning and promotes regulation and feedback, giving both teachers and students, as well as families, detailed information about the skills acquired in real time. This study wishes to, trough Design Based Research methodology, plan, design, conceive, and evaluate an online platform that allows to track and map through time the key skills of students. Giving also a chance DRA - DISPOSITIVO DE REGULAÇÃO DE ACOMPANHAMENTO DE APRENDIZAGENS UMA APLICAÇÃO DE APOIO À PRÁTICA EDUCATIVA 814 ÍND ICE to insert various learning scenarios in the platform in relation to the skills being learnt and evaluated, allowing to, through time, evaluate how these skills are improved upon and what impact the learning scenarios have in the evolution of each child. The objective of this study is to use Design Based Research so that the platform goes through a series of iterations of improvements until we reach an improved and robust version.

Keywords: Key Learning Points, Learning Scenarios, Formative Assessment, Feedback, Design Based Research, Regulation, Autoregulation

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